Our Environmental Policies
Caring about the world we live in!
Our world takes care of us! From the air we breathe, to providing food, water and shelter. But more and more, we see evidence that our time to give back is long overdue. As a result, here at Kingfisher Office Solutions we have taken steps to implementing conscientious environmental policies.
Air quality is low and greenhouse gas emissions are high. Oceans are overfished and polluted. And our soil, the very earth itself, is eroding way faster than it can replenish.
Our environment is in decline, and there’s no time to waste. KOS and Ricoh’s long-term environmental policies plan to bring dedication to moving forward toward a greener future for our planet. This plan adds an intrinsic value to our philosophy and business decisions, and ultimately, our customers and society.
The shape of our environment, like our business, is something we should never take for granted.